Sunday, June 3, 2007

the pursuit of happ'y'ness

I asked people what holds them from being happy…in a quick survey over a lazy weekend

Happiness Waits…

You can’t be happy until…

you change jobs,

you lose ten kilos,

you gain ten kilos,

you start work,

you retire,

you get married,

you get divorced,

until Friday night,

until Sunday morning,

you get a new car or home,

until spring,

until summer,

until fall,

until winter,

until the first or fifteenth,

until your song comes on,

until you've had a drink,

until you've sobered up,

until you die,
or until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy.

raindrops keep falling on my head

there is a something seemingly beautiful about the first rains...

The rains have come and it will bring alive everything that Mumbai stands for...

an attitude which soaks everything in its spirit

Potholes & potpurris
water on the roads & roads in the water
Local trains & the local floods
the night less days & day less nights

life...against all odds