Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Priceless Question

In life, when we think that we have answers to all the questions, it makes you come face to face with a situation which leaves you speechless. This realization came to me, one evening, unexpectedly, from an unexpected source.

She was sitting there at a place near the sea. The sun was playing hide and seek with the clouds. I said to myself this was a perfect picture opportunity, she was in red, the sky was dark with clouds…. A perfect shot. So I thought.

I started taking few shots, smiling, just to make her comfortable. To my surprise, she sat there with so much ease as if she was alone there. Rarely have I seen anybody, not react to the camera at all. Here she was, indifferent to the camera, to me, to the world. I was getting curious. It took me a while, before getting just the right portrait shot.

When I felt satisfied with my work, I walked and sat next to her and tried showing her the pictures. She did not seem interested; I told the girl that she is looking very pretty in the red dress she was wearing.

How does red look like? she asked. Before I could comprehend the question, another lady who was watching me shoot, all this while, came to us and told me that will not be able to see the picture. She couldn’t see.

How does red look like? she repeated again. I was mute for the longest time ever, and i wanted to speak. The thing was that I could just not think of any way to explain this little, five year old girl how the color red, which is missing from her life, looked like. What could I say? Think about it, try explaining this to somebody who has never seen any color in life, what color red is.
I walked away from them, but not before deleting the picture of one of the most beautiful girl I had shot. If she could not see it, it was worthless keeping it in my camera.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


"Some times i wonder how so many people can just drift through life like they're not connected to anyone or anything.
look around and you will find- all those characters trying to kill time. Going around in circles.
They have this fear that Even if they want to break free, they could find out they've got nowhere else to go"

...these words echoed again in my mind as they travelled from a distant memory
i managed a smile...

Sunday, June 3, 2007

the pursuit of happ'y'ness

I asked people what holds them from being happy…in a quick survey over a lazy weekend

Happiness Waits…

You can’t be happy until…

you change jobs,

you lose ten kilos,

you gain ten kilos,

you start work,

you retire,

you get married,

you get divorced,

until Friday night,

until Sunday morning,

you get a new car or home,

until spring,

until summer,

until fall,

until winter,

until the first or fifteenth,

until your song comes on,

until you've had a drink,

until you've sobered up,

until you die,
or until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy.

raindrops keep falling on my head

there is a something seemingly beautiful about the first rains...

The rains have come and it will bring alive everything that Mumbai stands for...

an attitude which soaks everything in its spirit

Potholes & potpurris
water on the roads & roads in the water
Local trains & the local floods
the night less days & day less nights

life...against all odds